Big Sexy Talk

2.04: (Yas Rodriguez) - A deafening roar of information

Informing Choices NI Season 2 Episode 4

This episode features an in-depth interview with Yas Rodriguez. Yas was born and raised in Cuba, before moving to Northern Ireland in her 20's, and has now lived in Belfast for the past 25 years. She is a parent, and a teacher, and is involved in several local community campaigns.

During the interview Yas reflects upon her childhood in Cuba; the messages she received around sexual health and relationships; the process involved in establishing a new Code for Families; accessing sexual health services in Cuba; her experience of living in Northern Ireland, and the difference in attitudes around sex and relationships; her views on how RSE is taught in Northern Ireland; what issues the teaching of RSE raises for her as a parent; her views on how best to support parents to engage with their children around RSE; and her aspirations for sexual health, rights and education going forward.

Useful links

Cuba Family Code: Country votes to legalise same-sex marriage

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